Marco Tibaldini
Graduated in Human Sciences at the University of Bergamo
Edu projects development
Mattia Scacchi
Gratuated in History at the University of Milan
Historical researcher
Davide Focchi
Student of Mathematics at the University of Milan
Board Game development
Cesare Focchi
in mission from God, at Bangalore (India)
Board Games development
Andrea Scacchi
Now in the Italian National Army - Mountain Infantry
Board Games development
Prof. Ivo Mattozzi
Professor of History Teaching at the University of Bolzano
Academical Supervisor
The love for History reunite us in 2007, and again we wonder about its beauty. The first turning point has been the meeting with Antonio Brusa, with whom we established a partnership that led us to focus our interest on schools, teachers and publishers. The second one has been the meeting with Giovanni Brizzi and the Archaeological Museum of Rimini, where we presented, in 2011, a course dedicated to ancient board games. Some months later we met Ulrich Schadler, and we discovered the existence of the Board Games Studies Society, founded at the British Museum by Irving Finkel.
We definitively found our preferred topic: ancient board games and their cultural context.
In 2013 we met Ivo Mattozzi and our perspective, originally only historical, shifted to an innovative mixture with pedagogical and cognitive aspects.
The next 3 years have been devoted to the teorethical and practical development of the project Games and Civilizations, with which we met more than 1600 schoolkids and 160 students, giving lessons and conferences in many departments in Italy and abroad.
In 2015 we begun to interest into a 3D model of ancient Rome.